27MHz Citizens Band (CB27)
Citizens band radio (also known as CB radio), used in many countries, is a land mobile radio system, a system allowing short-distance person-to-person bidirectional voice communication between individuals, using two way radios operating on 40 channels near 27 MHz (11 m) in the high frequency (a.k.a. shortwave) band. Citizens band is distinct from other personal radio service allocations such as FRS, GMRS, MURS, UHF CB and the Amateur Radio Service ("ham" radio). In many countries, CB operation does not require a license, and (unlike amateur radio) it may be used for business or personal communications.

Italian 43MHz VHF-CB
VHF low band 43 MHz VHF "43 MHz CB" allocation allowed in Italy only. 24 channels. Similar to CB, JAKT Radio 31MHz in Sweden and other VHF/UHF services such as FRS, GMRS, MURS, Freenet, etc.
5 watts maximum power limit, no limits on antenna height or gain. FM mode only. Each channel has a "recommended use" - 12.5 kHz steps 43.3000 MHz to 43.5875 MHz. 43.3-43.6 MHz band.
Many radios sold for this band can be easily modified for "export" use - which expands frequency coverage to 42.3000 MHz to 45.0875 MHz and increases transmit power from 5w to 20w or 25w. Apparently their use is quite popular in Ukraine and elsewhere. Examples of these radios include the Dragon MX-430, Dragon SY-5430, Intek K-43, Intek SY-343, Intek SY-90, Intek SY-5430, Intek SY-5430M, Alan HM-43, Alan HP-43, Alan HP-43 PLUS and others.
According to locals, the 43 MHz band is still used (as of late 2019) for voice communications as well as data/telemetry systems. This is analogous to the data burst, data link, paging or telemetry systems found on the license-free 26 MHz and 27 MHz RC frequencies and MURS frequencies in the United States.

FreeNet 149
FreeNet149 is being used as a Free Band only in Germany.
Germany has a VHF-FM allocation called FreeNet that allows a maximum of 500mW of power on 6 Channels in the 149MHz Band.
* 149.0250
* 149.0375
* 149.0500
* 149.0875
* 149.1000
* 149.1125
Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS)
The Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS) uses channels in the 151 – 154 MHz spectrum range.
The most common use of MURS channels is for short-distance, two-way communications using small, portable hand-held radios that function similar to walkie-talkies.
Similar services include General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) and Family Radio Service (FRS).
MURS is authorized five channels that were previously in the industrial/business radio service and were known as the “color dot” frequencies in Part 90 of the FCC rules.
No licenses are required or issued for MURS within the United States.
Any person is authorized to use the MURS frequencies given that in the FCC rules
Is not a foreign government or a representative of a foreign government.
Uses the transmitter in accordance with 47 CFR. 95.1309.
Operates in accordance with the rules contained in Sections 95.1301-95.1309.
Operates only legal, type-accepted MURS equipment.
LPD433 (low power device 433 MHz) is a UHF band in which licence free communication devices are allowed to operate. The frequencies correspond with the ITU region 1 ISM band of 433.050 MHz to 434.790 MHz, and operation is mainly limited to CEPT countries. The frequencies used are within the 70-centimeter band, which is traditionally reserved for higher power amateur radio operations in most nations worldwide.
LPD hand-held radios are authorized for license-free voice communications use in most of Europe using analog frequency modulation (FM) as part of short range device regulations,[1] with 25 kHz channel spacing, for a total of 69 channels. In some countries, LPD devices may only be used with an integral and non-removable antenna with a maximum legal power output of 10 mW.
Voice communication in LPD band was burden on the eight PMR446 channels in some CEPT countries that voice is not allowed over LPD
LPD is also used by wireless instruments and digital devices such as car keylocks.
LPD 433 – (433 MHz Low Power Device) Channel Frequencies
1- 433.075 24- 433.650 47- 434.225
2- 433.100 25- 433.675 48- 434.250
3- 433.125 26- 433.700 49- 434.275
4- 433.150 27- 433.725 50- 434.300
5- 433.175 28- 433.750 51- 434.325
6- 433.200 29- 433.775 52- 434.350
7- 433.225 30- 433.800 53- 434.375
8- 433.250 31- 433.825 54- 434.400
9- 433.275 32- 433.850 55- 434.425
10- 433.300 33- 433.875 56- 434.450
11- 433.325 34- 433.900 57- 434.475
12- 433.350 35- 433.925 58- 434.500
13- 433.375 36- 433.950 59- 434.525
14- 433.400 37- 433.975 60- 434.550
15- 433.425 38- 434.000 61- 434.575
16- 433.450 39- 434.025 62- 434.600
17- 433.475 40- 434.050 63- 434.625
18- 433.500 41- 434.075 64- 434.650
19- 433.525 42- 434.100 65- 434.675
20- 433.550 43- 434.125 66- 434.700
21- 433.575 44- 434.150 67- 434.725
22- 433.600 45- 434.175 68- 434.750
23- 433.625 46- 434.200 69- 434.775
KDR 444 is a short distance and licence-free personal radio service in the UHF range used in Sweden and Norway.
It is usually referred to as SRBR 444 (Short Range Business Radio) in Sweden.
Transmitters are limited to 2 W ERP (previously 1 W) in Sweden and 0.5 W in Norway. FM with a bandwidth of 16 kilohertz (25 kHz in Norway) is used.
Channels use FM. Frequencies 444.875 and 444.925 are available in Sweden but may not be available in some other regions (such as Norway); older equipment (6 Channel) may also lack these new frequencies. Consequently, 444.975 is likely to be called channel number six on such devices.
1- 444.600
2- 444.650
3- 444.800
4- 444.825
5- 444.850
6- 444.875 (New)
7- 444.925 (New)
8- 444.975 (Old Ch #6)
PMR446 (Private Mobile Radio, 446 MHz) is a licence exempt service in the UHF radio frequency band and is available for business and personal use in most countries throughout the European Union.[1]
PMR446 is typically used for small-site, same-building and line of sight outdoor activities. Equipment used ranges from consumer-grade to professional quality walkie-talkies (similar to those used for FRS/GMRS in the United States and Canada). Depending on surrounding terrain range can vary from a few hundred metres (in a city) to a few kilometres (flat countryside) to many kilometres from high ground.
Historically, analogue FM is used but a digital voice mode has been available in radios conforming to digital private mobile radio (dPMR446) and digital mobile radio (DMR Tier 1) standards designed by ETSI.
Originally 8 channels were available in analogue mode but this has now been increased to 16 channels. Typically PMR446 is used for both recreational and business use, additionally it has been utilized by amateur-radio operators and radio enthusiasts as a license-free experimental band.

FRS-Family Radio Service
FRS (Family Radio Service) is only being used in US.
FRS is contains 14 Channels.
The First 7 Channels of the FRS are shares with the GMRS that a licence required.
Maximum Power is 0.5 w for the licence free usage on the frequencies shared with GMRS.

UHF CB is a class-licensed citizen's band radio service authorised by the governments of Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, and Malaysia in the UHF 477 MHz band.
UHF CB provides 77 channels, including 32 channels (16 output, 16 input) allocated to repeater stations. It is similar in concept to 27 MHz CB Radio in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.
Class licensing means that users do not have to apply for a licence or pay a licence fee however they must comply with the regulations of the class licence.
User equipment designs are similar to commercial land mobile two-way radio except the maximum legal output power is 5 Watts. External antennas are permitted and commercially manufactured antennas have gains as high as 12 dB. Handheld transceivers (walkie talkies) are permitted and have transmit power from 500 mW to 5 W (full legal power) and are relatively cheap compared to full-sized transceivers